e-NABLE Fellowship - Hand Designs


Part of the R&D that I am doing this summer for e-NABLE is thinking about new ways to approach designing the hands ---- main focus is keeping in mind the aesthetic and fit.  I am really interested in bringing in pattern & repetition into the design of the hand... !!!!THESE SCANS ARE SO BAD!!!! (sorry) - but in the design on the left, I am envisioning the stripped parts as being any type of pattern --- could be a texture, positive and negative space (think filagree), or a flexible functional element of the design. The design on the right is another one I was thinking about... it starts to contour more on the areas of the hand/palm/arm that are absolutely necessary --- almost like how make-up artists make rubber molds to fit to certain body parts - I am imagining this design more "seamlessly" integrating into the current structure of an individuals body.

Proceeding forward, I will be experimenting with making functional prototypes for certain areas of the design - gauntlet and the fingers.  I will also be playing with a few different processes for making the prototypes other than 3D printing, as well as experimenting with material.