For our first small exercise in IMA, we were asked to create a "Bang Bot;" write a software program in max that can be initiated with a "bang," or push of a button, using a selection of additional MAX objects that have been introduced so far... Here are a couple screen shots and short videos (please don't waste your time watching them all the way - unless you're reeeeeaaaalllllyyy into it, some of the color combinations are really great) that show my process from start to finish....
All of the objects controlling one circle, this is eventually duplicated and the metros are varied for the 7 different circles that present in the final video animation/software...
I eventually figured out that you can leave your patcher overlapped, but then rearrange the objects how you want them presented in Presentation mode.... Kind of like having patcher be the code behind the interface or presentation of your code/software. SO the sliders here are all overlapping but then in the Presentation they are all over the place... see video exploration 2 for clarity.
A bang to initiate all of the bangs through a load message object.
AND the final product... I could have kept on going and going with this... But you know...