I've been working on an interactive object for my Interactive and Multimedia Art class... Here's a few images of the structure I've been creating to hold the TV over the weekend. I'll have some videos playing on the screen and then you will be able to manipulate the videos by sliding your fingers across the copper strips mounted to the surface of the frame.
I cut out a slot to inset the top frame into the top of the box structure. I needed to keep it hollow so that I can fit the tv, electronics, and laptop inside.
On a recommendation from Broc, I decided to just use glue and tape to construct the pedestal. This worked good from what I can tell. He said this is the way a few professors on campus construct all of their pedestals, so we'll see if it stands the test of time and the wear of Arts Tech night!
I sanded out the overlaps with a little wood filler, to disguise the seams. Laser cut some corner strips (WOAH - DIGI FAB and HAND FAB - UNITED!)
I had never done any angled cutting on the table saw so it was a bit tricky to get the right measurements at first, but with a little experimentation, I got exactly what I was looking for. It's really satisfying to work with wood, you can get such precise results relatively quickly if you have the right tools.
I cut out a slot to inset the top frame into the top of the box structure. I needed to keep it hollow so that I can fit the tv, electronics, and laptop inside.
On a recommendation from Broc, I decided to just use glue and tape to construct the pedestal. This worked good from what I can tell. He said this is the way a few professors on campus construct all of their pedestals, so we'll see if it stands the test of time and the wear of Arts Tech night!
I sanded out the overlaps with a little wood filler, to disguise the seams. Laser cut some corner strips (WOAH - DIGI FAB and HAND FAB - UNITED!)
Drilled the holes for the wire to go through and made sure to attach the laser cut pieces to separate the four "buttons."
Finished the copper strips with a 150 grit sand paper. I will have to seal these with a spray acrylic to regulate the capacitance.
Just waiting for it to dry now.....