Trumpet Adapter Redesign - King Cleveland 600 Trumpet
I designed the first iteration of the King Cleveland 600 Trumpet adapter. I took the files from the Bach student trumpet and slightly modified the height and location of the holes for the tubes to extend out, based on a couple photos that were sent to me from a family that is interested in an adapter for their son. I'm going to send a test print to the family to see how it fits on the trumpet, and then make any necessary revisions.
Bach on left, King Cleveland on right. |
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder on Filamentix
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Exploded Diagram Animation
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - MORE RENDERING
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Finished!
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder -
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Final Print
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Final Design Release
...and that's a wrap! Like with anything I've ever made before, I feel like this is object is one I could keep designing forever, over and over, re-doing all of the components until it's perfect, but sometimes you've just got to say "Hey - this is great! 1st iteration done!" and take a break for a little while. I've had such a great time working on this project. I never could have anticipated the feeling of accomplishment associated with designing for the e-NABLE community. Thank you everyone who has made this fellowship possible!
You can find the final designs on Thingiverse and Youmagine.
You can find the final designs on Thingiverse and Youmagine.
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Scalable .stl
As I am getting prepared to release the files, I've begun to create scalable versions of all the Trumpet Adaptive Device components. It's been kind of challenging for a few of the components because I hadn't thought about this being needed at first... so I haven't modified them in the "right" way, but they will work just fine. I will definitely keep this in mind in the future for any other scalable objects I make.
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Interlocking Palm v4
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Rendered in Keyshot
I am rendering a few images for my portfolio and thought I would share... Oh, Keyshot, you are fabulous.
I couldn't resist rendering one image in a metallic finish. |
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Prep for Karuna's Fitting
I finished up assembling the trumpet adaptive device, just in time for Karuna's fitting. I had about 15 minutes to snap a few quick shots before he arrived.
It fits in the case! |
All of the parts |
Palm and gauntlet with dovetail for adapting to trumpet holder. |
The orange piece (main) goes on first... |
Followed by the black piece (bottom). |
Ta-da! |
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Assembling Parts for Fitting
View of my work station today.... Definitely the most "handwork" I've done so far on this project - it was great! |
I added padding to the gauntlet and wove the Velcro through the slots, but left enough extra to make modifications for when Karuna comes to the DCRL for the fitting. |
Assembling the dovetail attachment. |
Karuna needed to take his trumpet back today, so I made sure to document the pieces on his trumpet really well so that I could have a few shots with the device in place. |
I realized during the documentation process that the holes for the angled mechanism were put on the wrong side - so I modified the piece for the fitting with Karuna by drilling a new hole. |
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Printing Experiments Conclude....
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Hand Progress - Part 7
e-NABLE Fellowhsip - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Parts & Parts
Karuna is coming to the DCRL in a couple of days to try on the adaptive device to see if there needs to be further modifications for size. I've started piecing together a couple palm/gauntlet sets, so that he can have a few options for fit. This is the most recent pairing - most up to date with most modifications:
v1 of the palm, v4 of the dovetail and v2 of the gauntlet. I thought this was it - but it wasn't - I made the wrong size holes in the palm piece and it was also super thin and too flexible. |
v3 of gauntlet - 4 holes for adjusting the angle of dovetail - above is in position 2. I still have to add some cushioning material on the inside, and will cut a few slots for Velcro. |
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Palm v3
I spent most of today designing version 3 of the palm attachment. Frankie and I had talked about the potential to eliminate the Velcro on the palm attachment by making a cap for the back - like a socket. The challenge now is figuring out the best way to print this object on a Makerbot... (This leads me to think another iteration is necessary - version 4 will have two parts that interlock.) I am test printing two of these hand pieces currently - one printing on it's "head" and another printing on it's "back." ...Wish me luck!
I created this top part the exact same way as the bottom - curve network & extruded surface & offset surface solids. |
I borrowed wrist curve from gauntlet to create profile. |
This profile reminds me of Darth Vader - HA! |
printing on it's head - with supports - probably will fail, but why not try? |
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Palm v2.1 & v2.2
I modified the thickness of the hand/palm piece near the wrist/hinge. I'm trying out two different approaches - one in green and one in blue - the blue one is quite thicker than the green. I am still working with surface offsets to construct any modifications to my designs. I also modified the dovetail slot to have a few more holes to account for a couple more potential angles at which the hand and arm can be positioned.
e-NABLE Fellowship - Karuna's Trumpet Holder - Palm v2
I worked on v2 of the palm/hand today, got through this first iteration on the second design... I need to clean up the design a little bit, but I wanted to get something printed tonight, so I decided to send what I had finished to the printer before I left... I've got a lot of work to do on these parts still but I feel like I'm finally feeling the flow, so I'm confident it will all come together pretty quickly.
I added an extra hole in the hand piece so that the user can adjust the angle at which the hand piece attaches to the trumpet holder... we'll see how it works!