Open Source Biomaterials

I've recently started contributing innovative biomaterial recipes to an open source material library;

I have been aiming to source ingredients that are ethical, sustainable, and certified organic. Some of the notable contributions are natural dyes from fruits and teas, and a guar gum bioplastic.

There is something about the experience of creating a material from scratch, and then utilizing the material in an artwork that is satisfying to me right now... I hope the work inspires!

Stand alone? iAm

After rendering the pieces on the wall, I started to wonder what it would look like if they were all mounted onto a stand alone steel frame... I like how minimal the wall version looks compared to this... I wonder what this would look like suspended from the ceiling vs. coming up from the floor. The desert shot makes me chuckle. 

Interface & Interaction Design

I stumbled upon this website and am blown away with how thoroughly they cover this section on Interface and Interaction Design. It's free, you just have to sign up for an account. Check it out.  This section is written by Martin Charlier.