IMA Final Project - Part 2

I am manipulating a few images of water that I recorded out at Atwater Beach last week for my final project in Interactive and Multimedia Art. I've been doing some writing about the work, so I'll just post that here too (below)... I'm not sold on the video presentation yet - so I'm not posting any video documentation until that's better under my control. To see the work live, check out Arts Tech Night at Kenilworth Square East on Wednesday, December 16 from 6PM - 9PM. 

Bound by Periphery is an interactive art object that explores aspects of peripheral awareness through human presence and touch. Upon approaching the object, the viewer’s presence and proximity are sensed; this reveals a moving image on a screen resting face up on the gallery floor. By crouching down and physically exploring the frame of the video, the imagery begins to change; the water imagery becomes clear, colors increase in saturation and the sound of waves and wind becomes evident. Through presence and an acute awareness of the boundaries of the object, the viewers experience becomes more dynamic and descriptive. In this way, Bound by Periphery explores various states of being contained and containing physically through objects as a metaphor for the mind. A container holds a screen, holding a sequence of video frames, playing over time. While screens can contain an endless amount of data, this object is restrained to the frame of the video. The video frame only allows us to experience what is in view, limiting our field of vision, but upon exploration of the periphery, the focus becomes clearer and transforms. By placing emphasis on the physical presence of the body on the edge of the object, the viewer is offered an incentive to explore, to relieve themselves of tunnel vision, to soften focus and play.

S100 - The Arduino Stater Kit - Project 11

Crystal Ball - These tutorials just keep getting better and better - I loved this one... it's so easy to customize. I also really liked the tilt switch... You just move the switch upside down and a little bearing inside of it activates a change in the switch state. I could see integrating this mechanism into another type of object like the compact mirror seamlessly.

And then the ego took control...............

S100 - The Arduino Stater Kit - Project 12

Knock Lock - This project was fun! I had to trouble shoot the knocking a lot but eventually got the lock mechanism to work. In this project a piezo is used as an input. Depending on the number of knocks the piezo hears it will move the servo to "lock" or "unlock."

I really like the serial monitor, it makes the transition between tech and real easier to understand.

S100 - The Arduino Starter Kit - Project 08

The LED Hourglass project is essentially learning how to tell time with light. This is a very controlled way to work with outputs. The tutorial recommended programming the LEDs to turn on every ten minutes... but really, who has time to wait an hour for results? So, I programmed mine to come on every 6 seconds... Not a very "square" way to tell time, but it gets the job done.  36 IS the new 60.

S100 - The Arduino Starter Kit - Project 04

For this project, I was introduced to the PWM (pulse with modulation) technique, duty cycles, and photoresistor sensors.

The green photoresistor never seemed to be working... so I tried a few different photoresistors for this particular gel... but, still got the same results. I really like the fading that is being created by the amount of light visible to the sensor... I wonder if this would be a good way to change color in the compact mirror project...

S100 - The Arduino Starter Kit - Project 03

Love-O-Meter! In the video you will see the results I got from the project. The sensor doesn't change very quickly, like I had originally expected it to... I watched the serial monitor a lot during the testing phase... I also modified the temperature variables in the code quite a bit... The temperature range settings I got to work are less drastic than what was recommended.

S100 - The Arduino Starter Kit - Project 02

Project 02 : Spaceship Interface

In this project, I was introduced to the basics of digital input and output, writing code, programming, and specifying variables.  The kit came with this super-glitzy-gold piece of paper to help me set the mood for the action scene of my sci-fi movie - "ENGAGE HYPER-SPEED" (per the instructions).

I have been utilizing arduino programs for the past year or so, but have never really sat down to learn what everything means. Today, that world opened up to me. While the majority of the coding for this specific project was laid out for me, it was extremely helpful to learn what each function means and some of the "grammar" of coding (; and // for example).

S100 - The Arduino Starter Kit - Project 01

YES, the Arduino Starter Kit is packaged with just as much thought as each of the tutorials inside. I am blown away by how thorough this kit is. In just one tutorial, I feel like I've learned more than I did all last year on my own! Don't get me wrong - I definitely learned a lot last year - but never in such depth. It goes to show - sometimes it's worth spending the money on a "professional." Thank you, Mr. Arduino Starter Kit. 


My first interactive circuit, using a switch, a resistor and an LED:

Series Circuit:

Parallel Circuit: 

... and, OF COURSE, a little bit of playing around got me a big green letter-C.