For the 2016 Zoom Conference, I co-curated an exhibition of current and recently graduated MFA/MA artist works from students across the US. We installed the show on the 4th Floor of the Kenilworth Building. Below are some images I shot quickly of the opening. See also the beautiful curatorial statement written by my co-curator.
For this show, I installed two of my CNC machined socket pieces from the ceiling on opposite sides of the gallery. I mostly wanted to observe how people reacted to the pieces. Some people actually tried the earplugs on and hoped for sound, and ultimately were disappointed or intrigued and looked up to towards the ceiling. Some people didn't even notice the pieces, or that there were two of them. Some people were startled by their presence. And, some people asked, "so what's this all about?"
I am so happy with all of these responses.
I am continually thinking about connections through the iAm series; technologically mediated connection, interpersonal connection, physical connection and touch, spiritual/divine connection, and connection to the universe, space, and time. Some people are so disconnected from some of these relationships that they are perplexed when they have an encounter. Some people are critical of their connected relationships have huge expectations, and are left ultimately disappointed. Some people don't even notice their connections and some notice their connections in hindsight.
iAm, like a spider suspended, waiting for something to land on or intercept, and remind that we are the creator of our universe and web of connection.